Monday 16 November 2009


TUB with Shaun Radcliffe (Russell F Spencer)
TUB taking note by the River Aire (Russell F Spencer)
Russell Spencer (photographer) and I rolled into Bradford on Saturday night, knackered after an unnecessarily long and traffic filled journey up the M1. After an obligatory curry (has to be done in the curry capital) we decided to bed down in preparation for our planned early morning.

We had only just started pushing out the zeds when the extremely loud fire alarm went off, jolting us out of our slumber. So at 1.30am we were both standing on the pavement with other variously dressed hotel guests. Anyway, despite the early start we had a great day and Shaun Radcliffe (who's the Chairman of the Bradford Ornithological Group) was a great host come guide.

Got home bloody late last night after a 4 hour drive. I have 24 hours to write my Bradford piece.


Alan Tilmouth said...

There's a strapline there somewhere David, 'Istanbul, Lisbon, Bradford'?

Russ Malin said...

There are a few of us Leicester birders who might argue about the real curry capital of the UK....