Friday, 18 May 2012

A quiet day in Sao Paulo

 Pale-breasted Thrush (Rick & Elis Simpson)
Rufous Hornero (Rick & Elis Simpson)
My keynote speech that I wrote whilst delivering it went down a storm at Avistar 2012. My translater and I worked in complete harmony.

Quiet day otherwise. Did very little birding apart from looking around the park where the birdfair was based. I was rewarded with a view of my first ever Southern Caracara as it flapped overhead. I saw just one Pale-breasted Thrush yesterday but the Rufous Hornero were pleasingly common. They were a mix between a Starling and Nightingale (the rufous tail) when walking about on the grass but flew like a woodpecker. Curious.

1 comment:

Belgian Birding said...

Great description of the hornero, David! Checkout my photo of their curious, oven-like nest from which they get their name;