Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Prolonged winter

I read the depressing news yesterday that Britain is going to be variously shivering and soaking until mid-June. What a brilliant summer we're having!

I mooched around The Scrubs this morning at 6am in the vain hope that the ominous dark clouds that were swiftly moving in from the west were not going to envelope the relatively clear sky that was above my head. I had hoped that they would have retreated to whence they came. But instead they advanced. I watched a Spotted Flycatcher that I had just discovered sitting in a bush. It seemed to shudder as the first spots of icey rain fell.

Welcome to Britain Mr Flycatcher!


StourbridgeRantBoy said...

Yes - it's damn depressing, like yourself i have just come back from a couple of weeks foreign birding. In my case Northern Maroc and to see my local trans-Saharan migrants struggling to find insect food is pitiful.

Thank you Mr Jet Stream!

ATB and get back up that Tower!

Laurie -

Unknown said...

Been up the Glens in Scotland three times in last ten days, each time in snow showers! The Ring Ouzes are looking none to pleased!