Sunday, 6 May 2012

The lifers keep coming!

 Oriental Skylark on a brownfield site (D. Fettes)

A gorgeous White-winged Black Tern (D. Fettes)
The past few days in Taiwan have been heavenly as we traverse the west coast of the island. I had loads of lifers like the Grey-tailed Tattlers (a Redshank-like wader with plain grey wings) and Oriental Skylark. The lark was quite interesting because its song was a squeakier version of our familiar Skylark. It seemed smaller with a buffy trailing edge to its wings. I've also seen a couple do 'seconders' this week including Oriental Pratincole - a bird that I originally twitched in Gimingham, Norfolk back in the early 90's!

A full version of the birding events will appear in forthcoming issues of Bird Watching Magazine as I must admit that there is just too much to say and I'm too knackered. However, for those interested I will publish a list of the birds that I saw - possibly tomorrow.

Anyway, one more day left. More pictures tomorrow.

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