Sunday, 30 March 2014

The quest for the holy Quail is over!

The big news from Eilat is that after a lifetime of wanting to see a Quail and failing miserably I am delighted to announce that I saw my first this afternoon. It was practically stepped on my producer and director Stephen Moss, called by British Bird Watching Fair co-founder Tim Appleton and was greatly enjoyed by yours truly. 

Now that's what I call teamwork!
 A great wadi whose name I temporarily forgot. Great place for Ruppell's Warbler
 A male White-crowned Black Wheatear
 A female Bluethroat
 Ruff, Dunlin, stints and a lone Red-throated Pipit at K20 Salt Pans
 White and Citrine Wagtails
 Citrine Wagtail with a White Wagtail
 Black-headed Wagtail
White Wagtail

1 comment:

Belgian Birding said...

Hi David,
the first picture looks like Wadi Amazyahu to me. Fantastic place!