Friday, 14 March 2014

London's first Whinchat of the spring shows up at The Scrubs

 Daybreak at The Scrubs
I'm back in the saddle at my local patch having attended it three mornings in a row now, which is more visits than in the past two months!

 Singing Dunnock
A variety of songsters were clearing their throats including Wrens, Dunnocks, Robins, Song Thrushes and at least one male Chaffinch. I also saw a few Redwings on the move, a couple of Jackdaws heading east and at least four Jays along the embankment.

The best bird of the morning was a Common Buzzard that managed to raise the ire of around 150 Carrion Crows, all of whom rose up to escort the predator on its way. The groundsmen reported another Buzzard yesterday afternoon circling over the prison.

The most intriguing record was a very early Whinchat two days ago. It was seen on the same afternoon that a migrant Stonechat was frequenting the grassland. The observer, a visiting birder, was certain that the bird he saw was indeed London's first Whinchat of the spring as it is often possible to confuse juvenile/female Stonechats with Whinchats. A great record. Is this a sign of things to come?
A Carrion Crow on the lookout for passing raptors

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