Monday, 1 October 2012

Hastings non-rarities

 A male House Sparrow
 The same bird on the deck
 Northern Wheatear
 The same bird as above surveying the scene
A probable 1st winter Robin
Had a nice r&r weekend in Hastings. I laid down my binoculars for most of the weekend but couldn't resist a walk along the coast on Sunday. Had loads of migrants overhead heading west including Meadow Pipits, Swallows and 'alba' wagtails.

It's not always about rarity hunting.


Warren Baker said...

Hi David,
thanks for your kind sympathies posted on my blog.

PS I particularly enjoyed reading your article in this months 'Bird Watching' Magazine, I always enjoy reading about your 'Scrubs' exploits, stats and statistics :-)

Marianne said...

Glad you had a good time in Hastings, David :) I grew up there and still enjoy going back, just not for too long... over the last year or so it's turned into a great place to watch Ravens!

BirderRon said...

It never is about rareites for us David. We got excited when our first green finch turned up on new feeders this morning. See what I mean. We've lived here to three months now and we're getting a nice selection birds visiting - including a sapprow hawk!