Sunday, 30 September 2012

Saddle sore in Amsterdam

I spent two lovely days in the Netherlands last Thursday and Friday at the behest of the Netherlands BirdLife International partner. Thursday was spent giving a talk about my work promoting urban birding around the world and then taking part in a seminar on getting urban kids interested in nature.

The following day I cycled for what seemed like an eternity around the city and environs led by BirdLife's urban bird specialist Jip Louwe Kooijmans and in the company of a Dutch journalist bringing up the rear. 

Saw some good birds includin a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (a city rarity) and heard Crested and Willow Tits.

Read all about it in a forthcoming Birdwatching Magazine article.
 Lunchtime for two Carrion Crows
 Juvenile Coot
A winter plumaged Herring Gull 
 A Common Buzzard being mobbed by a Carrion Crow
 Great White Egret
 Common Frog
Distant flock of Great Cormorants

1 comment:

The Vintage Female Birder said...

Looks like you had a nice trip! Looking forward to the article!