Wednesday, 29 June 2011

East Grinstead

Yellow-billed Stork (David Fettes)
No, I didn't see a Yellow-billed Stork in East Grinstead at my talk to the local RSPB group, but I did mention my recent trip to Ethiopia again tonight. The stork was one of the species that I spied on that visit. My talk was ostensibly about urban birding and in particular Wormwood Scrubs but as usual I strayed off piste and ended up interspersing the talk with Brown Bears, convicts and blow-up dolls. Work that one out!

Not a stirling performance by myself tonight but my audience was appreciative. I had many positive comments about my RSPB Birds & Bird Watching Magazine articles, plus an invitation to come back and speak again next season.

Thanks for your comments guys.

1 comment:

Mpho Phiri said...

Hi David,
Your pics on Ethiopean birds made me to see some similarities with some Southern African birds particularly the larks.Indeed larks have some spectacular displays.Nice posting