Wednesday, 22 June 2011

What a nice Hobby I've got!

Eurasian Hobby (Russell F Spencer)
My trip to The Scrubs this morning was well worth it. Aside from discovering a fledgling Reed Bunting proving that they bred in the grassland for the second year I enjoyed the sight of many juveniles of several species being fed by their respective parents.

The problem I had though was the fact that I was freezing. It is nearing the end of June yet it seems unnaturally cold. As I marched back to the sanctuary of the car and the ultimate prize of breakfast back at base, a fine Hobby dashed through chasing what seemd to be a Stock Dove. I could watch Hobbys for an eternity. They are truly stunning birds.

Later in the day, I ventured south of the River Thames to the land that they cal West Dulwich to deliver a short speech at the my mate Helen Babbs' book launch. Her book's entitled. 'My Garden the City And Me'. I spoke for five minutes about Tower 42 resulting in at least five people wanting to get on the roof that instant!

Oh, and I mentioned that I had a book coming out too!

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