Sunday, 25 December 2011

Christmas Day in Bangkok

Red Collared Dove
This is my first 'hot' Christmas, as the ex-pats like to call it and I must say that it's rather strange not to be on native soil tucking into some mince pies in front of the telly. Instead, I indulged in a near all day feeding frenzy broken only by a two hour massage and bouts of serious siesta-ing.

I poked my head out of the door only once to watch a wintering Yellow-browed Warbler work its way around a neighbouring tree and to try and picture the above featured dove using my bins as a long lens.

Tomorrow, my birding hat will come back on again as I will be visiting a spot called Bang Poo.

More to come from your Asia correspondent.

1 comment:

JRandSue said...

Merry Christmas have a fantastic 2012.
John and Sue