Tuesday, 29 November 2011

A mad week

A Robin - fresh out of the freezer!
Since my last post when I visited a very foggy Gibralter Point I have delivered talks to the Friends of Wormholt Park in west London and RSPB members in Aylesbury and Guildford plus took part in the North West Birdfair at Martin Mere Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust in Lancashire.

Finally, I did some filming with a kid who breeds quail in his back garden in east London and with Polly Morgan, the supremely talented artist who uses taxidermy in her visually stunning work. She uses a lot of birds and when I was in her studio she prepared a Robin for stuffing right before my very eyes. She had me plucking out one of its eyes and scooping out its brain with a pair of tweezers!



BirderRon said...

But where di she get the bird before it ended up in her freezer? That would have been my question!

The Urban Birder said...

The unfortunate thing met its end in the jaws of a domestic cat.

BirderRon said...

That's OK then. Thanks for the reply.
